The Magical Number Seven, Plus Or Minus Two: Some Limits On Our Capacity Of Processing information By George A. Miller(1956)
A landmark paper in the field of cognitive science, George A.Miller studies the human body as a communication system with input as stimuli and output as responses for the stimuli while trying to the determine the channel capacity. This paper should be read by everyone who has taken a course in Information Theory as channel capacities of humans by absolute judgments of uni dimensional stimuli are plotted in a graph using simple and ingenious experiments on sound, taste, vision and touch. Similarly the span of immediate memory is studied using binary, decimal, alphanumeric and words by plotting their their ability to hold a number of bits and the process of recoding.
What does this have to do with the new rating of 7 in the blog? Nothing. There are many rating systems in the internet with some of the famous being that of imdb's scale of 10, metacritic and rotten tomato's scale of 100, critics rate of 5 or 4 or alphabetic scale. Well, anyone familiar with these systems of rating know well to spray an odour of skepticism for a movie with a rating of 8.3 or 92 and to give a fragrance of second chance for 6.8 or "racist insult to the audience".
I'm not saying this system of 7 will not have any problems but it feels good to me, so you are stuck with it.
A landmark paper in the field of cognitive science, George A.Miller studies the human body as a communication system with input as stimuli and output as responses for the stimuli while trying to the determine the channel capacity. This paper should be read by everyone who has taken a course in Information Theory as channel capacities of humans by absolute judgments of uni dimensional stimuli are plotted in a graph using simple and ingenious experiments on sound, taste, vision and touch. Similarly the span of immediate memory is studied using binary, decimal, alphanumeric and words by plotting their their ability to hold a number of bits and the process of recoding.
What does this have to do with the new rating of 7 in the blog? Nothing. There are many rating systems in the internet with some of the famous being that of imdb's scale of 10, metacritic and rotten tomato's scale of 100, critics rate of 5 or 4 or alphabetic scale. Well, anyone familiar with these systems of rating know well to spray an odour of skepticism for a movie with a rating of 8.3 or 92 and to give a fragrance of second chance for 6.8 or "racist insult to the audience".
I'm not saying this system of 7 will not have any problems but it feels good to me, so you are stuck with it.